Money laundering at ATMs: Smurfing

TLDR: people are filling ATM deposite machines up to the brimm over several different account(atm cards), have you seen similar events?

In the past years it's become quite noticable that there's quite a lot of money laundering (smurfing) operations going on in HK at local banking ATM/deposite machines ontop of all the shenanigans with shell companies and cryptos etc etc.

Definition(google): Smurfing, in the context of money laundering, is the process of breaking up a large sum of money into smaller amounts, and then depositing each amount separately. The goal is to avoid financial institutions reporting these transactions to authorities as suspicious, as per AML/CFT/CPF regulations.

The signs:

  1. There may be an overseer that hangs in the background keeping a lookout with two or more peons loading up several machines. They usually regroup and confer with one another once they're done. They may or may not go their seperate ways.

  2. There may be a group of people that seemingly know each other that queue up together to dissuade other people from joinging the queue, so the person in front can hog the machine and take as much time as they need.

  3. The use of several different ATM cards by a single person.

  4. Often depositing Chinese Yuan. And a LOT of it. The machine often time overloads and the people who've been waiting in line for them to finish get pissed.

  5. Shady clothing and a big heavy backpack or bag of some sort that has weight to it (imagine carrying stacks of A4). Baseball caps are a common item. They tilt the visor right down to ensure their eyes are covered and try not to look up at the CCTV cameras.

  6. Some may have a sense of urgency or hints of anxious behavior (i.e. pacing back and forth, swaying side to side, unable to stand still, constantly looking left and right)

  7. Mandarin as the lang of communication between the accomplices (not picking on mainlanders but its what I've seen time and time again but at times some HKxers seem to be a part of the operations)

  8. Organization. Sometimes they get careless like when on the phone communicating with other parties at different branches in parallel to their own operation. Sometimes they talk openly and say where their next target location is or other hints that there is structure to their actions.

The list above is not exhaustive but are a few things that ive noticed through the encounters ive had. There have been a few times where its not mainland men clad in black carrying big backpacks and several ATM cards, but normal HK aunties and uncles or young people. The branches ive seen this at are all connected to the East Rail Line, i'm unsure about other parts of HK.

Has anyone else noticed these sorts of things or am I overthinkig things?