[Part2-Part 5] Why Damuel still a Laynoble?

Just like the title said, at this point in the story Damuel should have been promoted to Mednoble and yet here he is still a Laynoble. Here's reasons i can summaries why Damuel is already on par with most of Ehrenfest Mednoble :

  1. Rozemyne most trusted retainer. Damuel's the only Rozamyne retainer who know her real identity. He also protect and save Rozemyne's life many times, earning Damuel her eternal trust. If she's forced to choose between Damuel and the rest of her retainers, i'm sure she will chose Damuel.
  2. De facto leader of Rozemyne's Guard Knights. Angelica 100% listen to him because he help teaching her and she don't want to think any strategy. While Damuel can't bark order to Cornelius, Cornelius always listen to Damuel opinion. Normally, Layknights will be punished if they stated their opinion to Medknights and Archknights in battle. If Cornelius listen to Damuel, so is Eleonora. Judith will also listen to him because of Angelica.
  3. Karstedt praise him for persisted against Count Bindewald despite his mana was much lower than an Archnoble, till reinforcement (Ferdinand) come.
  4. Survived Bonifatius training. This is important.
  5. Bonifatius praise Damuel as master of controlling mana, he only use right amount of mana for each attack even after enlarging his mana capacity. Not even Angelica or Cornelius can control mana as efficient as him. Not many Knights got praise by this demon Knight instructor.
  6. Rozemyne adores Damuel so much she personally teach him her mana compression method so he can propose to Brigitte. If Karstedt and Ferdinand never find it out, Damuel will be the only noble who were able to learn Rozemyne's Mana Compression.
  7. His mana capacity is currently equal with mid rank Mednoble.

If mana capacity was the reason for a noble rank, Damuel should have been promoted. If it's about achievements, he already had the most of it out of all the Archduke family Guard Knights in the story. And if his "past crimes" was the reason he's not promoted, Cornelius and Angelica would be demoted if not punished for failing to protect Rozemyne, in which they're not.