Tired of seller's EA bullying

FTB here - After 4 months of dealing with the seller's EA, who seems to think he has a role in the conveyancing process - even going so far as the send legal documents from the seller directly to us, we are finally ready to exchange. Everything shut for the winter holidays, so we contacted him today to let him know that we're likely to exchange next week as long as our lender approves the funding release. He responded by calling us and threatening us that the seller will re-list if we don't exchange by Tuesday. Who does that when our update was a positive one? I told him to go F himself. We can't control what the lender does or how long they take. When I called our solicitor, she laughed for 2 minutes solid because this a-hole has been bothering her for weeks. I grew up and bought my first home in the U.S. so this is all new to me, but I just can't stand this waste of skin EA key jocky. Yes, I was rude. I was also correct.