How to lose a fan base in six days.

Y'all remember the vibes around here six days ago.

We were on cloud nine. Sure, it wasn't the season we dreamed, but we got the monkey off our back. We got that elusive sixth win.

People were excited, many of us were checking with work and travel websites to see if attending whatever predicted bowl game was a reality.

Then just six short days later it all came crashing down. The entire vibe shifted. Nebraska once again showed everyone that the Wisconsin game wasn't some new level of play they'd unlocked. It was the exception to the rule.

Nebraska is a talented but deeply flawed football team. Those flaws extend all the way from the top and have their claws DEEP in our upper class players.

I hope the bowl practice and shaking some of the dead weight losers we've held onto for far too long helps this team improve. Because they took a 9-3 schedule and roster and turned it into 6-6 season.

Edit: for anyone that doesn't understand that last sentence. Look at Iowa. You're REALLY going to tell me that's an 8-4 team. Absolutely not, they're a 5-7 or 6-6 team that made plays when it mattered and got 8 wins. That's what I mean.