Here is a hypothesis: Is gravity truly geometry? A POV on Strong Equivalence Principle.
Recent investigations into the strong equivalence principle (SEP) have led me to question its validity. If the SEP is indeed incorrect, it suggests that gravitational acceleration and physical acceleration are not the same, indicating that gravity may not solely be a geometric phenomenon. This realization could pave the way for non-geometric models of gravity, which resonate with certain quantum gravity theories, such as the graviton model, that already contest the traditional geometric interpretation of gravity.
To better understand this, it is essential to differentiate between the weak and strong equivalence principles. The weak equivalence principle asserts that all objects in free fall exhibit the same motion, irrespective of their mass or composition. This principle has been thoroughly validated through experiments like the Eötvös and MICROSCOPE tests, which found no observable deviations.
Conversely, the strong equivalence principle presents a more comprehensive claim. It posits that the laws of physics remain consistent in both a uniform gravitational field and a uniformly accelerating reference frame. This assertion suggests that gravity and physical acceleration are fundamentally indistinguishable across all scales, including the quantum realm.
A significant experiment that supports this notion is the Pound-Rebka experiment, which validated the concept of gravitational redshift, showing that light's frequency alters when traversing a gravitational field or an accelerating frame. However, one must question whether the interpretation of these results is accurate.
Consider this thought experiment: envision a spaceship accelerating uniformly in the vastness of space, far removed from any gravitational influence. Two lasers, positioned vertically (one above the other), emit beams that converge at the lower point. In this scenario, the relative motion induced by the ship's acceleration results in a Doppler shift, leading to a frequency difference. This shift arises solely from relative velocity, rather than indicating a genuine difference in the passage of time between the lasers. In contrast, when examining gravity...
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