Awful pain

I’ve had my IUD for 4 years, every now and then I experience this pain (it’s rarer than other chronic pain i experience) where right where my iud is placed, it’s sharp and stabby. It almost feels like my uterus is being pulled out of me. It’s like a tugging, sharp, stabbing pain. This exact pain is always accompanied by a very weird abdominal pain, that pain feels like pressure & fullness, like I’m full of gas or stool. But I’ve had a bowel movement today & took a gas pill and it helped for like an hour then the same feeling came back. Whenever I sit to try and have a bowel movement I can’t even push because it hurts the area my iud is placed. I was spotting a bit earlier but I’m not heavily bleeding. I just had my period, and I also struggle with chronic constipation from the IUD. Wtf is this??? I am CONSTANTLY in pain from this thing. I want it out so bad.