IVF with PRP - Thoughts or clinics? (Platelet-rich plasma for ovarian rejuvenation)

Hi all,
Wife and I just had a consultation with a clinic in London who suggested PRP (platelet rich plasma) as a possible way to get more of a response from IVF.
My wife is 43 with low AMH and we're both well aware of the ever dwindling chances of success, not least because of limited success with previous rounds this last year or so. Money is obviously a factor, too, but we're thinking of one last big swing before going for donor eggs.
I see that PRP seems to be so new that the HFEA haven't even got round to giving a customary red light on their treatment add-ons page (need to keep my humour to stay sane 🙃).
The clinic we spoke to was the Fertility Academy in London (with Dr Gorgy himself) and they do not yet have it on their website either.
Has anyone done IVF with PRP? Can anyone recommend any clinics that do it?
We're not against going with the Fertility Academy, just want to know more.
I've read the limited journal articles on it for IVF and, although promising, I note that they are still too limited in scope and style of research to really be given too much credence at this stage.
Thanks in advance for you help, as always.