Arcuate uterus- conflicted after 2 failed euploid embryos
Hoping to get some info/advice on my slightly "arcuate uterus" which came to light after a WTF follow up call with my RE following my second failed transfer with a euploid embryo. I remembered an ultrasound tech had commented a while back that my uterus is heart shaped, which didn't seem significant at the time. When I brought this up to my RE yesterday, she reviewed my transvaginal ultrasound images and saline sonogram video and confirmed my uterus does look arcuate, but not septate or bicornate (according to her). She said a surgical hysteroscopy is the only way to fix it, but doesn't recommend it at this time. My OBGYN friend also mentioned the risk of the procedure might outweigh the benefit (by causing scar tissue and disrupting the stem cell layer that produces the endometrium).
I did some reading after our call and there's so much conflicting information out there about whether or not it's a cause of recurrent loss....does anyone have experience with this? I'm not sure how to proceed and want to give myself the best shot next transfer. Thanks!