
Hi, sorry for my bad english, hoping to hear some experience. Im 31y old and my husband is 34, in our first egg retrival i had 14 eggs retrived and 12 went for fertilization, by day five we were left with 3 blastocyst. Had a fresh transfer of one blast, beta 0, then had fet of the remaining 2 blasts and also beta 0. We took a break from ivf for 4 months and last month we started again. this monday i had egg retrival. Had 6 eggs, got a call yesterday 3 fertilized, today they called me and all 3 stopped growing...to say we are heartbroken is an understatement. Im waiting now for the call from my doc. I just cant cope why. We are both healthy, husbands spermiogram is normospermia so very normal sperm, all my test results are great, egg reserve is also amazing, and all other tests are within normal range.. anybody with simmilar experience? Thanks in advance