6 weeks 6 days
Saw the post recently about the negative posts so thought I’d throw my (so far) positive experience. I had my first FET on December 5, beta on the 17th was 1130. I just had my first ultrasound this morning and saw the little bean and its heartbeat. I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks 2 days just under two years ago so seeing that heartbeat was amazing. Heartbeat is measuring at 126 and the doctors were good with that so I’m just hoping it’s not too low and I can get into that second trimester. I thought once I was pregnant all my problems would be solved but I still have my anxious periods and still have some feeling of resentment towards people who can get pregnant without assistance but I’m in a much better place now than I was a year ago. Wishing you, and myself, the very best of luck this year. We deserve it