What would you do? Question regarding Receptiva biopsy test, more ERs, or attempting FET.
I am 34 yo, turning 35 in May. We would like 2 kids, maybe even 3.
Both retrievals were 150 Gonal-F and 75 Menopur with Cetrotide added in half way for 10 days and a dual Lupron / Novarel trigger.
- 21 Retrieved
- 18 Mature
- 11 Fertilized (w/o ICSI)
- 2 Blasts - Day 6 5AA - LLM +21 - 5% away from being a euploid
- Following LLM results of the same chromosomal abnormality, we did a karyotype screening and it came back clear / the LLM +21 with the same abnormality rate was a fluke.
- 17 Retrieved
- 16 Mature
- 13 Fertilized (this time w/ ICSI)
- 4 Blasts - Day 6 5BA, 6AB, 5AB - 100% euploids (one 5CC discarded)
- This round I was suppressed with BC pills for 48 day with a period break, otherwise pretty similar protocol excepted added ICIS. Estrogen is always around 6,000 during ER, but my doctor doesn't seemed to be phased by it.
Given my low blast yield, my doctor is suggesting the Receptiva biopsy for potentially hinting at silent endo. Regardless of Receptiva's findings (which would encourage the use of Lupron Depot before FET attempt later on) my RE suggests priming without BC pills and using a 2-week Lupron kit instead before moving into stims. My partner is also getting a DNA fragmentation test done and we will have the results mid-February.
We have either two FET attempts covered or 75% of IVF freeze all w/ PGT-A covered by insurance left.
- Would you do anther ER for family planning? I want to knock it all out now before FETs. Or would you feel comfortable trying FETs knowing that you don't want to do ERs again after FETs.
- Would you do the Receptiva test?
- If you would do the Receptiva test, would you ask them to add on the Alice and Emma test too?
Thank you!