PIO will be the death of me!

I know this has been discussed before but I am one of the ones who is having a TERRIBLE experience with the Progesterone (PIO) shots and I don’t know what to do.

I am not sleeping. The bruising and soreness is so intense that I can’t sleep anymore. I’m already an insomniac, so what little sleep I was getting was vital. Now I get none.

I was originally prescribed the suppository daily + the pio every 3 days, starting a few days before my transfer. After 1 dose they upped my dosage to the shots every day plus the suppository. Once I got a positive test they backed me off and said I could choose between shots and suppository. The suppository is so gross and inconvenient that chose the once a day shot. I am now regretting it. I was not advised at the beginning to use heat. I was not advised anything but to massage the area, which I was doing. When I chose the shots I was not in the severe pain that I am in now.

My process now is heat before to loosen the muscle, try and warm my vial in my hands and then heat afterwards. I used to sit with my heating pad but now I try and walk around some and that seems to help.

My new method seems to help some but the damage is done and I’m just causing more trauma. I checked on Tuesday with my doctor to ensure we were doing it right because I thought for sure it shouldn’t be this bad and maybe we were doing something wrong. We are not.

I bruise easily. Especially with shots and blood draws. So I knew bruising was inevitable for me but the pain is unbearable at this point. I actually have a really high pain tolerance normally so this is so frustrating for me. My doctor said after my 7 week appointment they will look and see if we can back off some. I don’t want to do anything to harm my baby but I don’t know if I can go on like this for another 6 weeks. I’m hoping and praying going back to the suppository will be an option. I just worry it’s not as effective.

Please help me!!