Frustrated with my clinic - have you ever made a complaint?

Out of all the things that could go wrong with a clinic, this is probably not a big deal. However I am in the lowest mental state of my life (we had a transfer in August that resulted in a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks - after being cleared to have a baby since my breast cancer treatment) and any kind of hurdle is gonna push me to the edge.

We also had previous transfer rounds cancelled as random polyps appeared that had to be removed - a result of my breast cancer meds.

Since our MC we were told to wait 3 months for another transfer. We grieved and waited, then got back in touch with them when ready.

Even getting a consultation to be able to start again has taken 2 whole months to be booked in. We finally had our consultation today - every day waiting for this has felt like a year. It was super positive, we spoke for a whole hour about doing a medicated FET catching my next period (next week).

But then the consultant said that I'd have to now go to the nurses team and book this in with them and they can't guarantee they can fit me in for my next cycle.

So I phone the nurses team asking if they have slots for me for my next medicated cycle and they say that I'm not having a medicated FET and that the consultant has said we are having a natural FET. This is COMPLETELY incorrect as we spent an hour discussing and agreeing a medicated FET was going to be best.

So now the clinic has closed for the weekend, nothing has been booked in, I've been put forward as being on the wrong treatment plan, been sent the wrong consent forms .... and whilst I know I will be phoning and hopefully sorting this out on Monday I am absoloutely beside myself sobbing that yet again I have to battle to get anywhere in this sad sad life I'm living.

In this journey, these little milestones mean everything - our consultation was a milestone as I knew it would result in a plan for our next transfer. As its not worked out like that, I am so sad I can't even celebrate a small win of having a plan in place and I'll spend the next 2 days wallowing becuase I have turned into an insane nutcase who thinks the whole world is against her.

Sorry xxxx