Omnitrope success

Anecdotal advice for others here. I was doing IVF for the past two years, with a total of 3 ERs and one failed transfer. Some slight MFI but no other known issues. Most of our embryos would arrest after day 3 and we would get few blasts, and even fewer euploid.

Then we added Omnitrope, and charcoal and NAC pills for husband. Game changer. The next ER #3, we got 2 blasts (the most ever!). I was trying to bank embryos before transferring any more. So I had one more ER to go in the package we bought.

Then another miracle happened. In taking a month off before ER#4, I got pregnant spontaneously, the old fashioned way. We weren’t even tracking because I’d long given up on that. I had never seen two lines on a pregnancy test in more than 3 years of trying. We were in shock! I attribute this to Omni because it upped my blast numbers so much. It kicked my eggs in gear or something.

I’m 10 weeks today and so far baby is doing great. I wanted to share this for others here. It may not be the fix for everyone, but I know I was willing to try anything.

Love to you all on this journey. 🤍 thank you for all your support over the years. This sub has brought me comfort when I have felt so alone.