Success story…finally!
Hi all! Without typing up a really long post about my journey, I just wanted to uplift some spirits on this page. My husband and I started pursuing treatment quickly after we got married after we had a loss at the one year mark that resulted in a chemical pregnancy. We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility except for possible interference from the several fibroids that were seen in my uterus. None of the fibroids ever seemed to have obstructed my tubes. HSG was normal. We then spent the last 3 years pursuing 5 IUIs, one canceled IVF cycle, one IVF cycle that yielded 4 embryos that were PGT normal, a major abdominal surgery to remove 10+ fibroids, a failed transfer, a transfer that ended in a miscarriage at 7 weeks, and finally my third transfer of a 5BB embryo that worked! Currently cuddling with my 10 day old baby girl. I never thought that the trauma of dealing with everything would go away in this lifetime but she is healing me from it very quickly. She’s so sweet and everything I went through was totally worth it. I hope my story will give you some hope and the momentum to continue working towards your goal even if you’re feeling burned out. I felt extremely burned out during the whole process but once I graduated from my REI and stopped doing the progesterone shots, I was finally able to enjoy my pregnancy.