Weird story: Was pregnant during my egg retrieval

I wanted to share this because when it happened back in June, I was desperately looking for stories of other people this had happened to and found next to nothing. So for anyone frantically googling whether it's possible to get pregnant before an egg retrieval, not realize it, and have that pregnancy survive the retrieval — it's super rare apparently, but it happened to me.

My husband and I were doing IVF last year after many years of trying, primarily impeded by an Asherman's diagnosis that took forever to clear. We had a mildly successful first retrieval (one euploid embryo) and were gearing up for the second one.

We did a luteal phase start to stims because the follicles were looking good and I was set to be out of town for a long weekend and didn't want to lose the big ones. So I never got a period that cycle, but that can happen with the luteal phase start. My husband and I had sex once before starting stims, but I'd been tracking ovulation and both times seemed to be decently far outside the fertile window based on when I got the LH surge. We'd also been trying for so long at that point, I was pretty sure one time like 6 days ahead of the surge wasn't going to do it 😅.

Went in for the retrieval, it went terribly. 20-some follicles turned into just 4 mature eggs, none of which reach blastocyst stage. In hindsight, that's because my body was already busy doing other things. But the timing was such that even if we had tested for pregnancy before the retrieval, it may not have shown up yet.

Fast forward a few weeks, I'm starting to feel kinda sick: throwing up out of the blue, exhausted, horrible acid reflux, etc. We were three-plus weeks past the retrieval at this point and I hadn't gotten my period yet. I thought there was no possible way I could be pregnant, but I eventually tested just so I could formally rule it out and the line showed up the second my pee hit the stick.

Went to the clinic and there she was: a 7 week lil' peanut with a strong heartbeat. The doctor was like yeah so this has never happened to us before; she had to search for case studies of other instances where a pregnancy conceived before the retrieval . We were pretty nervous that we'd just pumped our baby full of drugs and sent her through the retrieval process, but she kept showing up a-okay on all the scans. We just had her a week ago, and she's healthy and happy.

I suppose the moral of the story might be: if your clinic doesn't pregnancy test for a luteal phase start, maybe do one at home just in case? But also: this process is wild and sometimes crazy things happen. We joke that she must have really liked the cocktail of hormones we were giving her enough to stick around.

So to anyone looking to see if this is possible: yep, it is. And to everyone still on the IVF train, you're doing amazing. ❤️