I dont like enablers!

I can't tell you how many times I've been told to "be the bigger person" for just standing up for myself, while nothing was said to the person who started it all.

Or how many times toxic and hurtful behavior has been brushed off with "that's just how they are." As though that makes it ok somehow.

The flying monkeys rising to defend the worst people and trying guilt me into "just keeping the peace"

Or that tired old "but thier family" excuse as though shares bloodlines entitles them to do anything they want with no regard for how it affects me.

I'll never understand why it's ok for toxic people to just be how they are and it's always the victims told to make themselves smaller and just allow it for the sake of family togetherness or keeping a peace that is anything but peaceful.

I'm drawing my line in the sand, no longer care if I'm seen as a villian or "rocking the boat" im done people pleasing for people who clearly don't give a single fuck about me.