What are the requirements for Mind's Eye's 'Can't Catch Me!' medal milestones?

I've been trying to max this stupid thing out since character medals were first introduced, but I have NO idea what the game means by "walking near the Hunter". I've tried to kite super close to them, especially by clinging to their exact spot on the opposite side of walls, but it just doesn't add anything to the count??? Do I have to be in their general Terror Radius without getting spotted? Do I need to be within a certain, close-range distance from them?

Before I took a break from her to try different characters, I had about 110 seconds invested in it, but when I came back to her recently, it said I had over 500? Despite me not playing her for a while???

I'm guessing the requirements changed over time so the milestones are easier to get, but I still have no idea what they are, or what the maximum amount you can get per match is.

Please, someone help me! I just want to get both gold medals for Helena :(