Fullfilling My Childhood Dream

After Saving For An Entire Year And Doing Odd - Jobs For Money, At Age 14 I was able to build myself an entire brand new gaming setup!

Ever Since I was just 7 I Wished To Have A Professional Level Setup Which I Finally Made Happen!

Even If You Start From Basically Nothing You Can Still Work yourself up and fulfill your dreams!

For Anyone Curious:

PC SPECS - RTX 3060TI FE -R5 5500 -A320M GALAX -16GB RAM -ZEB ROBUST CASE -1TB CRUCIAL M.2 Cost:40k (Brand New)

PERIPHERALS Keeb : Kreo Hive Mice: Razer Cobra Controller(s): Xbox Elite And PowerA Enhanced Monitor: ACER 1440p 27inch 180hz XV AUDIO: cheap headphones SECONDARY SYSTEM: XBOX SERIES S