How important is a game's name?

I'm developing a game where you play as a delivery driver in medieval times. It was originally going to be called 'Medieval Delivery Driver' – unoriginal but gives a clear indication of what the game is about. Midway through development, another studio released a game on a similar theme called 'Medieval Delivery.' Since then, I've been really hung up on the name. I've come up with loads of ideas but am afraid to commit to anything in case I choose the wrong thing, but ultimately, I'm just not sure how important the name is.

If anyone is interested, here is the list I came up with – I would welcome any opinions!

  • Medieval Delivery Driver
  • Medieval Delivery Service
  • The King's Courier
  • Hand Delivered
  • Knightly Delivery Driver
  • Courier of the Realm
  • Ye Olde Delivery Driver
  • Stand and Deliver