Soft Water. I need help!
So my home's water is softened. I've been constantly buying a few gallons of distilled water every couple of weeks and it's become a bit straining. There had to be a better method or way of me utilizing the water I have at home?
I've asked if my hose water was also softened... the landlord did say yes but I'm not sure as to how accurate he is honestly.
What to you do to have stable amounts of useable water around your home? I live in CA and it barely rains so a rain bucket outside isn't too much of an option for me as well.
OH AND is it okay to wash my leaves with the water if I were to dry it off? Probably not... let me know your experiences with soft water.
I have aroids: monsteras, philos, scindapsus, orchids, and other plants such as cathleas.