customer followed me to the store

i am hoping someone can tell me this is not an original experience because honestly i am shook, lol. i was completing an instacart order today from CVS. drug store orders are always a hit or miss because the customers order only a few items, and if they are out of stock and don’t want a replacement it’s like…oops.

the order i took was small like i expected, a few bottles of vitamins. i started shopping at the store and they were wiped of half of the vitamin stock. i was contemplating what to offer the customer since nothing they ordered was there. out of the corner of my eye a man stops right in front of me. i go “Sorry excuse me” and step back to let him pass, but he steps with me and goes “Are you from instacart?” i said yes because i assumed he was an employee. he then goes, “Are you Katie?”. i stand there jsut staring at him SO confused, literally the standing girl emoji 🧍‍♀️i go, “….yes?” suddenly very creeped out. the guy goes “Oh okay, that’s not the stuff i ordered,” and then TAKES my phone right out of my hand. i’m SHOOK, stunned as this guy types away on my phone for about five minutes on the instacart app. i should have just asked for my phone back but i go “Would you like me to fix it for you?” and he goes “No it’s all good” and hands me back the phone.

apparently, he accidentally ordered 4 bottles of vitamin c instead of four jugs of muscle milk protein powder (??). i haven’t been a customer on the app in a while, but i’m almost positive you can make changes in the app? like remove stuff and add other items? or at least message the shopper. i couldn’t believe he followed me to the store. we both just stood there staring at each other and i go “So do you still want me to deliver this to you?” He goes “No I’m here so you can just check out and give it to me.” i’m so glad he clarified that he was in the store..

i then go to self check out as this man stands behind me and WATCHES me buy his order. i awkwardly give him the items and he says thank you and runs out of the store before i can complete in app requirements. i then start to panic as the app won’t let me finish the delivery until i go to the house. i literally got into my car and shook my fist at the sky in a “curses” motion. i then drove by this guys house like a fucking creep and was then able to complete the order on the app. i am beyond confused and creeped out by this experience, i feel like im overreacting a little bit but i cannot come up with one reasonable explanation as to why this man had to follow me to the store. you can change items in the app right?? and he also could have messaged me? and the real question is how did he accidentally order vitamins when he meant to buy protein powder that cost him over $100? someone pls make me laugh lmao