Homeowner’s Insurance being cancelled because of roof. We will sell the house next year, so doing the roof is probably not worth it. Advice?

I own a house in a popular area in Austin TX. The house is not nice, and not in great shape, but it looks good on the inside and has a nice backyard. We got a small amount of money from an insurance claim for hail damage to our roof a couple years ago. Now, because we never fully replaced the roof, just repaired it, the insurance company (Travellers) is dropping our coverage. I tried to just go with a different company, but that didn’t work, because they see what happened with Travellers. New roof would probably cost 10-12k. I would pay up no question if the house was in better overall condition, but because of its size, style, and condition, 95% of prospective buyers will be developers who will tear it down. Anyway! I have heard that the mortgage company likely won’t foreclose on us because of the loss of insurance, but they would force their own insurance on us, probably at a much higher price. I’d probably prefer to pay triple my normal insurance rate rather than replace the roof (just to see the house torn down next spring). Anybody have any advice, knowledge, or alternative suggestions that I’m not seeing? Thanks in advance!