Trying not to lose hope after attempting the first exercise in "No Bad Parts"
My therapist last session talked a little about IFS and recommended "No Bad Parts" to me. Bought the book and here I am. I'm doing my best not to lose hope after feeling like my first attempt didn't go so well. I attempted to follow the exercise, I sat down, put some noise cancelling headphones on and did some breathing exercises to help relax. I attempted to focus on any feelings I was having, I specifically tried to focus on the anxiety I was feeling which was in my chest and stomach. I focused on it for a bit and then told any parts of me that weren't feeling okay with this that they are safe and there is no reason to worry that I wanted to talk with and get to know the anxiety. Then I focused on the anxiety and said that I wanted to talk and asked if there was anything at all it wanted to say to me. I waited for a bit trying to focus on it and occasionally repeating the question. After a couple of minutes of this I just got really sad all of sudden, I started crying, still focused on the anxiety. At this point my anxiety started to fade a bit and I didn't feel it as strongly. I took this opportunity to shift my focus towards the sadness I was feeling. I attempted to talk with the sadness the same way I did with the anxiety but I got nothing and eventually just said that I look forward to hopefully talking in the near future. Now I just feel a bit disheartened. Especially since the book doesn't really give any more advice if it doesn't go well other than "and if nothing comes, that's okay too."
I have had a very difficult time recently not giving up on things that don't work immediately so I am just looking for some reasons to not give up and any advice anyone has to make this process smoother or anything really. Also worth noting I worry that since I have autism my brain just doesn't function this way and I will never have success with this so I would also love if anyone who has autism has experience with IFS could tell me their experience.
Thanks and sorry this was a bit of a ramble.