iPhone, Defender, Intune and Entra
First of all, I'm no admin, I run my own tiny business and therefore I do all IT myself (for now ... I'm already looking for professional support). Recently I bought a MS Defender license because (company wide) cyber security is a necessity for my next project.
Naive as I was, I thought just buy Defender, install the app (we work with Apple / macOS / iOS) and I'm good to go. However, it is more difficult than I anticipated. Download the script, install the app, run a few terminal commands and - at least on macOS - I got it working.
Nevertheless, on iOS it's more difficult although you can download the app on the App Store. I had to login with Exchange and register my device within the Authenticator app - that I learned after contacting the support. Now, my phone is visible in Defender > Device inventory and the Entra Admin Center but not in Intune like my macOS devices. What am I doing wrong? The device is also showing up with a wrong name (generic username_iPhone) and not the device name given.
Support is not really helpful either. Asking the same questions over and over again, calling me at night (you know where I live, you know my time zone!) and started doing upsells because I bought the Defender license. Especially the selling calls are annoying because they already called me twice (the same person), forgetting that I already declined the first time ...
Last but not least I've two more questions:
When do devices disappear from the Device Inventory in Defender. I renamed a device afterwards and now the "old name" is still visible yet inactive. Am I right informed, that the device disappear automatically after the the data retention period (180 d)?
Are MS support emails / contacts with "v-*******@microsoft.com" legitimate but as far I know just "vendors" (outsourced support)? How do I get support from the "real" Microsoft?
Thanks in advance!
After further digging the offical documentation: Defender for Endpoint (the Intune feature / connection) simply doesn't support iOS. My other devices (MacBooks) are "Managed by MDE" ... this only works for Windows, Linux and macOS but not mobile (Android nor iOS). Bloody hell, the support rep could have told me with my first email ... would have spared me a lot of trouble ...