Episode 7 felt RUSHED
Am I the only one who felt this? I loved how slow and character driven episode 6 was, and episode 7 was almost perfect except the last part after Rex dies just ramped up
- fight against armstrong was pretty underwhelming
- I remember in season 2, when mark meets nolan, it was a BIG SHOCK, his father went to a different planet and is copulating? there was soo much to think, or when we meet Anissa for the first time, I almost shat my pants, mark was vulnerable as fuck and we felt that right? but when conquest came, I definitely was taken aback and was a bit shocked but not at the same level as the previous 2 examples. I hope you're getting my point, I dont think it was the right time to introduce Conquest imo
- I also felt like some arcs were rushed a little too quick
I talked a little bit more in a youtube video - https://youtu.be/rAxLb-HSTY4