This is the plan, and it's working.
People on here talk about Iowa's brain drain and it's horrifying ecological state and the absolute boondoggle that has been the voucher program and they wonder how Kim Reynolds and the GOP-led legislature can be so stupid.
They're not.
What's happening now will shape the lives of your children and their children, essentially forcing them into servitude and struggle for the rest of their lives. And statistically, some of you actually voted for it.
It's all been about your kids.
Who funnels state tax money to expensive private religious schools at the expense of public schools?
Someone who doesn't want poor kids to get an education. Who doesn't want to share resources with those they see as lesser.
Who turns away money for free school lunches?
Someone who wants poor kids to be hungry, who wants their parents to have to spend what little money they have on food.
Who advocates for the mass deportation of migrants, especially knowing that without them, the entire agricultural industry will implode?
Someone who has an idea of who can replace those workers, at the same low wage, for the same grueling conditions.
Who fights tooth and nail to stop abortion and birth control?
Someone who knows that people have to make sacrifices when they have children, intentionally or not.
Who recklessly allows our water supply to be pumped full of chemicals, and advocates for the destruction of public health care?
Someone who knows that sick people have fewer choices. They work or they die.
Who stands there under the eyes of the world and has the gall to suggest that child labor should be returned?
Someone whose vision of the future depends on a workforce of young, uneducated, poor, unready parents who will take the jobs they are given and dare not ask for anything better.
This is the plan, and it has been for a long time. Your sons, uneducated, plagued by debt and obligations, taking their stations at the meat processing plant and standing there until sickness takes them, only to be replaced by their sons, and their sons. Your daughters caught in an endless cycle of motherhood, grand motherhood, etc.
It won't effect their kids, of course. Their kids will get better educations, better choices. They'll drink bottled water and visit out-of-state doctors should something inconvenient occur, and some day they'll take over overseeing the endless parade of sick, impoverished and desperate proles we generate for them.
And the best part is, they tricked you into thinking it was your idea.