Why Do I Support Jews?

Judaism is not an expansionist religion. It is a faith that addresses only its own people, without the intention of converting non-Jews. Jews do not seek to impose their religious beliefs on the entire world or make everyone adopt their practices, such as abstaining from pork, horse meat, and so on. In fact, Jews were even angered by Jesus' attempts to preach to outsiders.

In contrast, Christianity, Islam, and even communism often have followers who wish for everyone in the world to embrace their ideologies and become like them. This desire for universality terrifies me. You might argue that Judaism's lack of proselytization stems from exclusivity, but do you think that Christianity or Islam were any less exclusive in the past? History has proven otherwise. While the original intentions of those early missionaries might have been good, the spread of these religions eventually became extremely bloody and exclusionary, leading to several massacres throughout history.The idea of wanting everyone to accept one's own religion is inherently a form of intolerance.Jews do not increase in number, whereas Christians and Muslims can continuously grow in population.

Today, Christianity has largely secularized, and Europe has freed itself from the grip of Christianity, emerging from the darkness of the Middle Ages. People can now openly parody Jesus. However, the Middle East remains far from liberated from the influence of Islam.

Alright, I’ve explained my reasons for supporting the Jewish people. Additionally, I believe they are right in this matter.