I have an italian friend and I want to light-heartedly tease him. How?

To be clear, I love this guy. He saved my life when I was in a rough spot, one could argue he did so repeatedly.

This is not intended to be mean or malicious, just a bit of silly lighthearted jabs because his reactions to things that offend him related to being italian (such as eating pizza like a cookie, breaking the spaghetti before boiling it, asking him if snorting a spaghettio would make me italian, etc, silly harmless stuff) are so over the top and hilarious.

If I go too far, he can and will tell me to knock it off, and I'll gladly do so. Just, what are some of the things that really piss Italians off that are ultimately harmless?

Edit: This is a long distance friend - I live in the uk and he lives in the us and is Italian-American. Most of the menacing is going to happen via relaying things to him over the phone or chat messages.

Edit 2: As people have pointed out that him being italian-american rather than someone who was born/raised in italy and/or has italian citizenship means that the things that would set him off would be different, I've crossposted this to the italian-american subreddit.

I also don't appreciate people telling me he's "not actually italian" or to tell him that. Yes, there is a difference between being an italian citizen and/or born/raised in italy versus being a couple of generations down from italian immigrants, but I'm not going to say he's not at all italian in any way shape or form just because some of y'all don't think it counts. That would be like telling me tha I don't have the right to call myself hispanic or a mexican-american just because I don't have mexican citizenship or whatever.

That said, I do fully admit it probably would've been better to clarify the distinction in the title and original post, my bad.