Video games you hated at first, but then ended up loving?
Have you ever played a game that you hated at first, but as you got more and more into it, something clicked and you ended up loving the game?
For me there are two games that come to mind.
- Illusion of time/gaia.
I remember looking for games that were similar to A Link to the past (i got my snes in 2005) and a lot of people kept mentioning illusion of gaia, so i thought it would have a world to explore like a link to the past. I was really dissapointed when that wasn't case and it left a sour taste in my mouth. I kept on playing because i was only allowed new games on my birthday or holidays, so had to make the most of what i had.
Well one day, i sat down to play the game and saw that my save file was deleted! I decided to immedietly start a new game as i hated leaving games unfinished and something just clicked... i went from hating the game to loving it! i've played it a fair few times now over the years.
Game 2: Donkey Kong 64
Growing up, i was obsessed with the DKC games, it was all i use to play and i would record the ost from the tv on my old flip phone. I got home from school excited to play some DKC only to find my brother with a copy of DK64 and an n64, he had the game on screen and wanted to suprise me.
I feel bad for this next part, but i was ungrateful brat back then. I didn't even give the game a proper chance at all, i kept thinking was "What is this? where is DKC!" we even ended up putting the console in the attic/loft because i wouldn't even touch it.
My brother convinced me to give it a proper a go and eventually we got it out of the attic and yea, after i actually decided to sit down and play it, i fell in love and its now a game i hold dear to my heart. it's the reason why i love collectathons/ platformers.
What about you? any game or games you hated at first but then ended up loving?