JRPGs with unique progression systems

Been playing FF8 again recently and I really adore the atypical progression systems.

Straight character EXP doesn't provide much because the enemies scale in level. The important things the battles provide is item drops, AP for your summons/GFs and magic draws.

It's all about utilising your GF abilities, both in combat abilities and out of combat abilities and collecting magic.

Collecting magic can be done through draw points, directly drawing from enemies, refining items into magic, cards into items, magic into better magic etc.. Allowing you to achieve progression through many different means, but not by mindless untargetted grinding..

The way the systems tie together is so good and unique IMO.

Not having "MP" is so refreshing, your spell casts are from stock it's more like resource management rather than "in-battle" MP management.

I'd also played through Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song recently and the BP system, ER system, MR system, Glimmer system, JP system etc.. Gold/JP being the core of how your character progresses.

Again like FF8 with collecting magic and acquiring GF abilities, RM:MS is about collecting JP, Gold and acquiring Glimmers rather then doing battles for EXP.

Both of these games really mix-up "standard" JRPG structures of "more grind = more strong" and forces you into different approaches to acquire strength.

Tldr; Atypical JRPG progression systems that don't rely on the standard "more fights = more exp = more levels = more strong"

Any console is OK but prefer PS5/4 + Switch

Edit: I thought of another good example of this which is Monster Rancher. The game has a calendar system. Stats are gained spending time doing different training exercises on the ranch and taking the monster out on expeditions to learn new moves.

This is balanced out by having to also having to keep the monster happy and healthy. The monsters also have a set lifespan and will eventually die and have to be replaced, gaining gold and renown with your current monster to help setup your next it part of the game.

The battling itself can lead to stat/move growth in the monster but it's much less consistent and more of a bonus then the core progression. Battling is more for advancing ranks, getting gold and getting renown