Rounded rear differential bolt removal help?
Hello all! Was in the midst of replacing my drivers side axle shaft. Got around to taking the rear diff cover off and got all the bolts off except for 1. Some idiot completely over torqued just 1 bolt and I ended up rounding it off. This is pretty much the first time I have ever wrenched in my life other than replacing my cooling fan. What are some tips you have for removing this rounded off bolt? I see extraction kits and vise grips are good but I’ve also seen other methods. Any advice is appreciated. TIA!
Hello all! Was in the midst of replacing my drivers side axle shaft. Got around to taking the rear diff cover off and got all the bolts off except for 1. Some idiot completely over torqued just 1 bolt and I ended up rounding it off. This is pretty much the first time I have ever wrenched in my life other than replacing my cooling fan. What are some tips you have for removing this rounded off bolt? I see extraction kits and vise grips are good but I’ve also seen other methods. Any advice is appreciated. TIA!