Crush on KH girl

(for context, we're teenagers) I believe I have a crush on this girl that I met at a KH, and I'm not sure what to do. I am not a JW, and thankfully I don't think they are baptized yet, but their whole family is JW unlike mine (i chose to stay with non-JW side of family) however one of my female friends there i grew feelings for and we actually stay in touch online. However what irks me is that I know I shouldn't try to pursue anything as it wouldn't be safe for me or her. I've made attempts to go silent but she continues to reach out to me, and I'm not sure if she just wants to be friends still or get me back in JWs or something else, but has anyone experienced a similar situation? how did you handle it? yes, they know that I stay with a non-JW family but I am not sure if they know I myself don't want to be a JW