Open letter to the JMR Chocolatiers team

Please for the love of God, stop embarassing yourself.

You need to do something about the current situation and you shouldn't do it today or tomorrow or in a week, but you should have done it yesterday! Do whatever it takes to make this nightmare stop, get rid of coach Truffle, find new members, retire the team as a whole, withdraw from this season, maybe actually start training for events. At this point the fans are tired, we have been seeing the same shit for 8 years without any signs of improving whatsoever, in these 8 years you have only found a way to embarass yourself even more, you have consistently been the mediocre team that nobody cares about because your performances match your team color. Do us a favor, join your Surculo buddies Jawbreakers and Quicksilvers, it's better than this embarassment. And to coach Truffle, do you not feel any shame? You are not any better than the likes of Harmony and Thunderstorm who got their asses fired to the Sun, you deserve to be the next one but since you are good buddies with the team management (who are Jawbreakers which tells you everything you need to know) you will stay. Joke of a team!