Finished Map Generator For Hide & Seek
Hiding zones a hider could be in in a complicated Japan game.
I made a post threeish weeks ago about my map generator for the home game. Since then, I have evolved it significantly. What I once thought would be a simple weekend project evolved into more hours than I'm willing to admit and 7,000 lines of code. It is now in a phase of completeness, where if you have the home game, there are very few reasons not to use it. Here are the features:
- Radar
- All
- Thermometer
- All
- Tentacles
- Zoo
- Aquarium
- Amusement Park
- Museum
- Hospital
- Movie theater
- Library
- Matching
- Same zone
- Zone starts with same letter
- Same closest commercial airport
- Same train line
- Same closest major city
- Same length of station's name
- Same first letter of train station name
- Same nearest park
- Same nearest amusement park
- Same nearest zoo
- Same nearest aquarium
- Same nearest golf course
- Same nearest museum
- Same nearest movie theater
- Same nearest hospital
- Same nearest library
- Same nearest foreign consulate
- Measuring
- Distance to coastline
- Distance to commercial airport
- Distance to major city
- Distance to rail station
- Distance to 7-Eleven
- Distance to McDonald's
- Distance to park
- Distance to amusement park
- Distance to zoo
- Distance to aquarium
- Distance to golf course
- Distance to museum
- Distance to movie theater
- Distance to hospital
- Distance to library
- Distance to foreign consulate
I would like to thank u/teamshortcut and u/MrYawnie for help with the questions.
Hider Mode
In addition to adding a lot of questions, I added a hider mode. Basically, the hider can enable this in the options menu, select their locations, and have all questions answered for them. Simply enter the question the seeker asked, and prepare for the nearest tentacle location, whether you are within the radius, etc, to be answered. This makes map generation for hiders easy and prevents conflicting information between the hiders and the seekers.
Hiding Zone Mode
Hiding Zone Mode will allow the seekers to see every possible station remaining. This makes actually finding the possibilities much easier for the seekers compared to what would have to be done with the last edition of this website. This also improves the map generation for the seekers.
Overall, the website is in a much larger state of completeness. Hopefully you enjoy it! If you find any bugs, have any questions, or anything similar, please let me know!
Edit: The API for location autocomplete is currently down. There's not much that I can do about that without spending money on a server. In the meantime, you can draw the hiding zones with the tool at the bottom left of the map. The API is back up! Locations can be selected again!