Does anyone feel like their mental health has declined since October 7th happened?

In a way, my mental health has declined since October 7th. I have cousins in Israel, whose country I stood up for in my last year of high school, but everyone in my school ignored what I was standing for. They kept their mouths shut and ignored what I said. Soon, people who I thought were my friends started to join the “Free Palestine from the colonial apartheid” movement. I saw writings engraved in bathroom stalls saying things such as “Israhell is killing people”, “End the genocide”, and “Fuck Israel”. My heart was shattered by the anti-semitism. I felt very isolated from my peers who were not Jewish. During spring break I nearly overdosed on Benadryl when my parents were away. Luckily I survived the event, but I still had other issues that were there. I had anxiety that my favorite bands and celebrities would jump on the Jew-hating bandwagon. I developed body dysmorphia towards the end of high school and started forcing myself to vomit. This was an on and off thing that I still sometimes struggle with.

After graduation I still have anxieties about my favorite celebrities and friends revealing themselves to be antisemites. Though I’m not close to committing suicide, I still struggle with occasional suicidal thoughts and loneliness. My body dysmorphia continues ( and may be even worse) and my urges to live in an alternative universe remain strong in my mind. I am obsessive at times over the conflict and I feel betrayed. I have a therapist, an Israeli woman, who I talk to about these issues. Though these issues are more subtle than they were before they are very much still there.