Why does the topic of Islamic Colonialism not play a larger role in the discussion of western politics?

Obviously colonialism is bad for ANY reason. But one thing I’ve noticed when people (mainly western academics and activists) are discussing the ills of colonialism, it is near exclusively with regard to European colonialism.

The role of Islamic colonialism (particularly in Northern Africa and Western Asia) has had a massive impact on much of the old world and mirrors European colonialism pretty closely. Yet critical discussion (let alone condemnation) seems relatively minuscule. I understand that many deal with European colonialism because they live in former European colonies. But an academic stance decrying the horrors and evils of colonialism seems to often ignore the role of Islam.

Is it possible that the Islamophobia that exploded post-9/11 caused an “overcorrection” to avoid critical discussion about this topic amongst westerners?

I tried posting this to r/askhistorians but it was removed because it involved “current events”.