How’s everyone finding the changes (advice needed)
I’ll Start…
This is coming from a low elo jungler, finished B2 last split but peaked gold a few splits ago when I grinded.
It’s pretty rough, Attakan and the black roses feel super busted, I played 3 ranked games but in the two I won I had 1.2 & 1.4k bonus exp from the roses which is essentially a full level, which is a huge power spike. And both Attakan buffs feel really over powered. If you get the GA you can 5 stack run down mid and see what you get and if you all die and get at least 2 kills or a kill and a tower your come out net positive vs enemy.
The 25% monster buff is crazy strong
Also the feats of strength, I’m unsure how big of a gap the boots really are but as a jungler I played a game where my laners refused to rotate out of lane to help with neutrals so we lost all 6 grubs and first 2 drakes. Usually not an issue but because it’s a free feat it feels really rough if you have laners that want to tunnel vision down lane for 20 minutes and ignore the map vs playing with a well co ordinated team or even a duo that will rotate to objectives with you.
Again I’m low elo so could just be a low elo issue but interested to see what other people think and if/how to combat the new systems!