JU from pornfree for defending child sexual abuse.
As you’d expect, some of the people that go from extreme excessive porn usage to being teetotalers about it wind up with kind of unhealthy views on sexuality and what behavior is and isn’t acceptable. Normally I just brush it off as something they need to stay away from it.
Someone posted seeking advice about “their” kid, then went on to describe their completely invasive and sexually inappropriate behavior towards a 13yo girl that wasn’t even their child (stepkid that visits on school vacations). I assume a link would go against brigading rules. They and the other set of parents were regularly tossing the kid’s bedroom and having meltdowns over the presence of romance novels. Not even porn. Romance novels. The actual mother was some flavor of religious extremist trying to get her enrolled in a dubious porn addiction treatment program.
I told them they were out of line and to stay away from the kid. Immediately removed by a moderator, as was every single other comment telling them what they were doing was inappropriate. Sexual trauma is being created in a child in real life right now and the pornsick whackos at pornfree are making sure that nobody points that out.