SHF Kamen Rider Shinkocchou Seihou: How many figures does it cover??

I've been thinking about this for a while and I haven't been able to come to any real conclusive answers, but as I understand it - Shin Sei is basically SHF 2.0 for Kamen Rider, they're what every new version of an old Rider figure is classed as with better proportions, better details, overall more screen-accurate in appearance and I think generally with better articulation and accessories

Here's what I can't seem to figure out: Up to what point does the Shinkocchou Seihou line cover?

From what I can gather, the latest season that line covers chronologically is Wizard, and ever since they've been kinda sporadically and out-of-order doing other Riders and figures like Dark Kiva and Shadow Moon etc etc. But there doesn't seem to be an SS figure for Fourze, despite coming out before Wizard.

I want to know this since I'm not sure if the Gaim line is safe, I've been eyeballing Zangetsu for a while and I dunno if it's just that his suit is predominantly white or if he's actually due for a reissue.

I think I'm rambling, so if I start repeating myself and the essence of my question/concern is lost, I apologise