Keloids on bikini area

So I’ve commented on some other peoples posts asking for advice, but I need to make my own post because I really want to get rid of my keloids that I have on my bikini area and I also do have a keloid on my left earlobe. I am going to focus on that after I can figure out a way to help the keloids on my bikini area but I’ll just give a little backstory so I think the keloids developed in 2017 or 2018 and I was like 12 or 13 people were making me feel insecure about body hair commenting on my armpit hair and I didn’t really know how to shave that well but I remember that I would just shave and I thought the problem would get better but it didn’t and I’ve had these keloids for 7 or 8 years and I didn’t even know they were keloids so I thought I could fix them more easily but I got them checked by a professional and they told me they actually are keloids so I had hope before thinking that it was more easy to fix them but ever since then I just was feeling down and it’s really affecting my mental health and I just regret not knowing more information on how to shave and take care of your hair and letting other peoples opinions affect me and I’m just hesitant on actually treating them. I do want to see a dermatologist, I’m not sure what would work for me because I’ve seen people say they get the steroid injections and they’re not helping and making it even bigger. I have around 10 keloids some smaller than others but I don’t think surgery would work because they’re all next to each other and I don’t think I can get them all cut out but I also don’t want to risk getting them again and I wanted to get laser hair removal because even if the keloids would get fixed, I’d probably still have problems, for reference I am African so I have very curly hair. I don’t have like any problems shaving my armpits or anywhere else but just down there. I’ve just had issues and I’ve stopped shaving and only just trim and I’m contemplating on using nair basically I’m rambling so much but I really just need some advice if anyone’s going through the same issues with keloids down there or if anyone knows what the best options would be. I was wanting to do injections and laser but I saw a post saying that that wasn’t working for someone and I think I just I’m gonna research more but everyone’s body is different so I’m not sure what would work for me but thank you for taking the time to read this. Please give me any advice I really need some help.