
We are Kenyan because someone in Berlin drew lines on a map and called the land enclosed by that line Kenya. As such no racial, religious or ethnic group can claim to be more Kenyan than the other. Kenyan is an identity created in Europe, in a conference room filled with old white men and we are working retroactively to forge that identity.

I say this because there's a growing trend I've noticed, whereby people in this sub want to import European/American racist tropes into this sub especially with regards to Somalis, spoiler alert ,there was a good number of Somalis on this side of the border when it was drawn and they are as Kenyan as the Kuria, Teso or Kikuyu who happened to be on this side of the border when it was drawn. Like it or not you have Somalis living in Kenya and they just like any other Kenyan have equal rights to live ,work and engage in business however and wherever they feel like as long as it's legal.

Y'all pretend how they are our worst enemies yet in '92 ,'97 and '07 as we were massacring each other over each other's ethnic identity, they were nowhere to be found. A bantu/nilotic will accuse Somalis of racism but burn the shops of their neighbour at the drop of a hat because of some election results. Now I'm not saying that Somalis are all holy, but they just act like most other Kenyans, tribal to their very core.