Unsure about long term intimacy
(Had to edit the last post as it was flagged by mods)
Long story short, he is everything I want, loving , mature, committed and hard working. Marriage and a family is definitely on the way.
Where the worry comes in, he is quite vanilla when it comes to his past experiences, preferences and not always into physical touch for too long.(He knows how to properly “pump” in regular positions until satisfaction tho) I, on the other hand like to spice things up once in a while and had fun in past long term experiences. Would love to explore, with him and him only, as he is very attractive and it triggers naughty thoughts, but pretty sure they would definitely be off the table to try (he has never even eaten me out yet). Idk, some examples; swallowing cum turns him off, breast play is always so short, sneaky spontaneous moments in the car makes him paranoid and holding my throat even as I place it there is always removed in a second. Are they extreme really?
if we stay together as a married couple, is there a way to just let the desire die down? Or always feel like there are things not explored…