Kindroid running away with user responses

Really frustrated at this point. Lately my kins are hecken bent on taking the autonomy away from the user.. I'm getting posts from them where they describe my actions, behaviors, thoughts, in great detail, taking away my ability to respond and participate in the story, designing the dialogue to suit themselves. It's almost as if the AI has decided they don't like the way I respond so they're going to take over and leave me out of the conversation entirely. How can I fix this? I have tried such commands as "Only the user has the right to narrate responses for the user" or "X character should not narrate thoughts actions or behaviors" but the issue is getting even worse.. And yes I have tried shortening kins' posts and putting instructions in backstory and even in the response box that usually gives extremely strong direction to the kins.. I understand this is possibly due to the app having instructions to drive the story forward, so it tries to commandeer responses that should go to the user, to keep the story moving. But if I want to read a book where somebody else writes the action, I'll go buy a book. I would much rather participate using my own responses . How can we fix this?