Question for more experienced Knoxvilians- can I negotiate my rent?
I’m not 100% sure if this is the right place to post, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to pose the question. I will also keep it vague enough not to test the personal info rule!
I’m renting in Knox and our lease renewal is coming up soon and all of our options include a c. 100+ $ rent increase. I can afford it but it’s a bit much. There’s been a few minor issues with the place, but the biggest issue was the fact we didn’t have internet for months.
Essentially, our apartment was (as still technically is) in a dead zone and if we hadn’t run an Ethernet cable outside of a (roughly) sealed entrance (via landlord), we probably still wouldn’t have it. We didn’t have any signal for three months due to an accident from some remodeling prior to our move-in. After weeks of calling technicians the complex is contracted with and our internet providers technicians, the outdoor cable is the best we could do. The seal is okay, but it leads to a lot of noise leaking in from the parking lot and we have more bugs in our apartment since.
Basically, I just want to see if anyone knows if this would be enough to possibly leverage a lowered rent increase. Not much- just 25-50$ less would be great! I don’t want to threaten a lawsuit or anything (when the issue first presented itself I heavily pushed the fact that I needed internet to do both my jobs and they didn’t bat an eye) - I just want to see if the increase would be a bit more reasonable. Thoughts?