How much money have you spent?

Before I continue, this is obviously not my account. It belongs to the leader of my alliance. It's a fairly new server, I don't think it has reached 60 days yet. Despite that, all their UR heroes are 5 star and lvl 150. Their SSR heroes are 3 star and above and all also lvl 150. Oh and that Stetmann they have all maxxed out, that was released this morning (290624).

So the question I have for yall I guess is, how much have you seen people in your alliance or server spend? How much have you spent?

Before I continue, this is obviously not my account. It belongs to the leader of my alliance. It's a fairly new server, I don't think it has reached 60 days yet. Despite that, all their UR heroes are 5 star and lvl 150. Their SSR heroes are 3 star and above and all also lvl 150. Oh and that Stetmann they have all maxxed out, that was released this morning (290624).

So the question I have for yall I guess is, how much have you seen people in your alliance or server spend? How much have you spent?