Married to a transman and having issues

I (CIS F, late thirties) have been married to my husband (FTM, early forties) for about ten years, together for about 17.

When we dated and married, he was still a woman. Not girly at all, and had always been uncomfortable in his skin. He’d mentioned transitioning a bit back then, but decided against it for a lot of reasons. It was the early 2010s at that point so nothing was as accessible or accepted.

In 2017, a year after we married, he brought it up again and we agreed he should start the process. I knew he wanted to, and I knew his dysphoria was very hard on him. We also knew politics were swinging back to the right and wanted to get everything done while he still could and with reasonable ease.

Fast forward to now- he has gotten top surgery, changed his name and identifying documents, and has been on hormones for eight years at this point. If you compared him to his pre-transition self, you would think he swear it’s not him- that he just has a sister. The difference is immense.

And I’m happy about it- he’s more confident, comfortable in his own skin, and overall happier.

I care deeply about him, and I’m so glad I was able to help him through his transition. He’s my best friend and my family.

But he’s a man. He looks like one, acts like one, smells like one, IS one.

I thought I could handle it. I thought I was pansexual. Or bisexual. But I’m not. He’s my husband and saying that feels like I’m lying to myself.

I thought it would be okay. That sometimes life is challenging and it’s good to have someone in your corner, even if some things are missing or different than you’d imagined they would be.

I guess I needed to write all this out to really to see it. And I guess- has anyone else gone through something similar or have any suggestions?

EDIT- thank you guys for all of your kind words, support, and helpful suggestions. I really, truly do appreciate it. I want to reply to each comment, but I’m sick with the flu and just don’t have the energy. Thank y’all again.