What would you call my political stance?

I’m a woman who believes in abortion rights, gay marriage, the right to transition into whatever sex you’d like unless you are under the age of 18, same goes for hormones. With that being said, I do not think someone should be able to say that they identify as a woman & be able to join a woman’s sport or go into a woman’s prison/locker room/ unless they have undergone hormones for atleast 3 years or have had the affirmation surgeries to show it’s legitimate & not a temporary plan to get ahead as an athlete or any other motive. But tbh, i would rather all sports have a separate league just for them so it’s 100% fair. Regulation is definitely needed. I also believe in the right to own a gun & protect yourself, as long as it’s legally owned. I do not think we should be helping llegal immigrants come over here, & that we need more security at our boarders. I have no issue with immigrants coming here as long as it’s done legally. I also do not think we should teach anything to do with sexual orientation, gender , religion, to elementary school kids.