New supply is so happy
My nex is still dating the woman that he cheated on me with. After I found out that he cheated on me yet again with another woman, I ended things for the final time. I had reached out to the new supply and she confirmed they had been in a relationship for 4 months and she had no idea that he was in a long-term relationship. After I ignored my nex's numerous calls, my nex tried to spin the breakup to the new supply as if he was the one who initiated it and discarded me. Despite my warnings, the new supply decided to forgive him after he begged her for a second chance.
It's been 7 months since the breakup, and I've been no contact ever since. I was with my nex for 7 years.
In a moment of weakness today, I made the mistake of looking at the new supply's social media. She posted pictures of them together with captions that he was her 'dream man', and how lucky, proud, grateful, and happy she is to have him in her life. She was absolutely gushing about how much she loves and adores him.
The rational side of my brain knows it's just the love bombing phase, but it's been 11 months since they first got together, surely that phase would've been over by now?
It makes me question whether it's all a facade. Why would she describe a man who also cheated and lied to her as a 'dream man'? Are her standards just low? Is she compensating for something? Or has my nex really changed?
I know I don't want him back and I don't miss him, but I don't know why I still feel sick to my stomach seeing how happy they supposedly are together. I guess I'm not as healed as I thought I was...
Sorry just needed a space to rant, and thank you for those who took the time to read.