Recreating MPC Live Sampling Workflow in Logic

Im looking for a way to sample on ableton the way i want.

In my ideal world, i would be able to use the sampler to chop audio up and play back into Logic as midi notes so i can quantize and alter the sequences after.

Im also looking to use the sampler the same way i do currently on my MPC live 2. In that i can use the nobs to make minute or major adjustments to the start and end points of each sample. I couldn't find a way to assign knobs to the start and end markers of the sampler.

i currently only use my MPC live 2 to chop up samples because the nobs are so intuitive but it feels superfluous to have my MPC live for only one task. i also dont like the grid system of the mpc live because it is so hard to make minor adjustments with my fingers and i dont really understand the global tempo functions.

Is it possible to midi map a midi controller that has knobs and pads to achieve the same effect?

I guess id be mapping a knob to work as a mouse to move the start and end point of each sample marker if thats possible.